Friday, 3 January 2014

Storyline: 7-Alpha-6 - Point:3

Until that time comes, that long-awaited decommission, I will continue to serve the Grid, as Seven-Alpha-Six, my abbreviated designation from those first days – the months spent underground in that place up north, where was it again? Where the Army (was it my Army?) took me to a camp where I agreed – aye, I volunteered for this shit – to be the next generation soldier.

So that’s me. The ultimate military commodity, a precise surgical asset, stealthy and untraceable. The ultimate assassin. The ultimate victim? Ultimate denial.

Keepsakes – sometimes they make me wonder, make me laugh. Make me question why I kept them at all. But even though they interrupt, they serve the purpose to remind me to focus too, strangely enough. And they remind me I wasn’t always like this, because I know some of those keepsakes aren’t borrowed from anyone, are not downloaded skills, or not some form of resolution enhancement. They are real memories. My own memories. Memories to cherish – if only I could pinpoint those exact keepsakes.

Honour and empire, with revenge enlarged, by conquering this new world, compels me now to do what else, though damned, I should abhor.”

Really think that, keepsake? Why remind me of that now, at this moment?

It probably heralds the arrival of Angel, my Grid Interface. I chose to call her Angel – indeed, I chose to have an Interface with a feminine disposition. I no longer remember all the reasons why, but it still works for me. Angel isn’t a real person, she’s just a master programme, a dump of code within the operational system that runs nigh on everything, even me at times. There have been moments where I wished she was real – hoped that she was a technician, back at the office, ready and available on speed-dial. Available for late night dinners and cosy cuddles. Reality sucks sometimes.

+ Grid Upgrade: Task Outline: Delivery imminent: Standby +

Keepsake must have tried to remind me I needed to listen out for the Grid. Clever keepsake. Should I wake myself? What keepsake was it? I thought momentarily about asking for a re-play but then decided against it. Priorities and all that.

I’m here Angel, download away, let us see what delights we have to look forward too.

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